Yucaipa Christ The Redeemer Church

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Mission Statement

Our statement is divided in two sections, Spiritual─Ministry and Secular─Services. This division is used for practical and legal reasons. As we explain, however, our overall operations and activities are under the general rubic of Yucaipa Christ the Redeemer Church, Inc., also known by its Name in Spanish, Iglesia Cristo El Redentor, Inc.

We have followed the administration of Holy Scripture to “write the vision and make it plain”. (Habakkuk2:2) Our endeavor herein, after prayerful, careful planning, is to present a concise statement setting forth our vision mission, our plans and objectives as a Christian Ministry, a voice and influence in our community and a partner in progress with our city particularly with its plans for building and developing The Uptown Business District and the Redevelopment Agency’s Plans for its Project Area. We are actually housed in the Uptown area and have been continuously for over 15 years. In all that we do, our focus is to pursue excellence and benefit our city and adjacent communities.

Yucaipa Christ The Redeemer Church Special Survival Churches and Communities
